We are going to create a series of upcycling activities for kids, teenagers, and adults using disposable products that are brought in to be reused. These artistic activities will not only be fun and engaging, but also provide a creative way to reduce waste and give new life to items that might otherwise end up in the trash. From turning old plastic bottles into colorful planters to creating unique jewelry out of discarded materials, there is no limit to what we can create together!

Join us as we transform trash into treasure and unleash our creativity in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just looking to try something new, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and have a blast turning ordinary objects into extraordinary works of art. Let’s come together to make a positive impact on the environment and have a great time in the process!

Together, we can make a difference by showing that there are endless possibilities when it comes to reusing and repurposing everyday items. Let’s spark our imaginations, inspire each other, and have a great time while doing our part to protect the planet. So gather your friends, family, and neighbors, and let’s get creative with upcycling – because when we work together, the sky’s the limit!

1st Upcycling Workshop with Kids: Easter Week

During three wonderful days in Holy Week, we immersed ourselves in a world of creativity and fun with the children. We dedicated ourselves to making colorful banners, lively drawings, and experimenting with painting on sheets like true artists.

Additionally, we ventured on exciting walks through the forest, where we explained to the little ones the importance of caring for and respecting the environment. We practiced yoga together, connecting with nature and our inner selves, and enjoyed refreshing dips in the river, where laughter and joy were our constant companions.

It was three days full of learning, laughter, games, and shared love. An unforgettable experience that reminded us of the importance of taking care of our surroundings, connecting with nature, and enjoying the little things that life gives us. What a beautiful way to spend Holy Week!

2nd Upcycling Workshop with Kids

Last Saturday, September 20th, we had the wonderful opportunity to share a beautiful activity with the children of the town. We delved into the fascinating world of nature, teaching them how to germinate basil and prepare the soil properly for its correct growth.

After learning and enjoying this special process together, we immersed ourselves in a creative and meaningful activity. Alongside the children, we created signs with the names of different trees and messages on wooden boards, with the aim of beautifying our town and promoting environmental care.

These boards will be placed in different areas of the town during our cleaning days, which we do every two weeks. With the help and enthusiasm of the little ones, we are confident that we will make a positive impact in our community and in the care of our environment.

It was a day full of learning, creativity, and solidarity, in which we not only planted basil seeds together, but also seeds of environmental awareness and love for nature. Thank you to everyone who participated and collaborated in this beautiful activity! Let’s continue working together for a cleaner and more sustainable world!