Utilizing natural resources: rainwater

Currently, we are finishing the structure of a rainwater collection tower to supply our crops and sanitary services throughout the year, with a higher priority during dry seasons. Even though we live in a mountainous area, municipal water is restricted for several hours a day, making it essential for our daily life.

Why a rainwater collection tower?

It is necessary to be sustainable and have a rainwater harvesting tower because it helps to reduce dependence on traditional water sources, such as rivers and underground aquifers, which are becoming increasingly stressed and depleted due to overuse and climate change.

By capturing and storing rainwater, we can secure a sustainable and reliable source of water for various purposes, such as irrigation, landscaping, and even drinking water, especially in areas prone to water scarcity.

Additionally, rainwater harvesting promotes environmental conservation by reducing runoff and erosion, improving groundwater recharge, and decreasing the demand for energy-intensive water treatment and distribution processes.

It also helps to mitigate the effects of urban heat islands by cooling buildings and reducing energy consumption for air conditioning.

Overall, incorporating a rainwater harvesting tower into sustainable practices is a crucial step towards building resilient and self-sufficient communities that can thrive in the face of climate change and environmental degradation.

How is support it?

Currently, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign where we are asking for $800 from anyone who wants to help us make this water collection possible.

The funds will be used exclusively to purchase materials such as water tanks and pipes to irrigate our crops and provide water for our showers and toilets.

Every little bit helps, so please consider donating whatever you can to support this important cause. Thank you for your generosity!

Why is necessary to become more sustainable?

It is necessary to become more sustainable because our current way of living is putting a strain on the environment and its resources.

By becoming more sustainable, we can reduce our impact on the planet and ensure that future generations have access to the same resources that we do.

Additionally, becoming more sustainable can also lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and a healthier way of living.

From the rain to life

Climate change is becoming increasingly evident in Costa Rica, as each year the dry season becomes more severe. This has led to water scarcity in some areas, with residents experiencing water cuts and restrictions. Furthermore, the dwindling water supply has also contributed to a rise in the price of water month by month. The combination of these factors is putting additional strain on communities already struggling to cope with the effects of climate change.

In response to these challenges, Costa Rica must prioritize sustainable water management practices and invest in infrastructure to ensure a reliable water supply for its residents. This includes improving water conservation measures, investing in water storage facilities, and promoting the use of alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting. Additionally, it is crucial for the government to work towards reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change to alleviate the pressures on the country’s water resources. By taking proactive measures now, Costa Rica can build resilience to the effects of climate change and ensure a sustainable water supply for future generations.

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